Education Grants
Oromahoe Trust Education Grants
Education Grants are available to shareholders or beneficiaries that are enrolled in primary, intermediate, secondary or tertiary education.
Grants are open until the 31st of March every year.
In this section
To apply for an education grant, you must meet the eligibility criteria below.
You can apply online, or download and complete a Grant Application Form.
Eligibility Criteria
1. Applicant Requirements
The Applicant for the grant must hold shares in the Oromahoe 18R2B2B2 Trust as one of the following:
The named Shareholder;
Whānau Trust Trustee(s).
The applicants name must appear in the current Oromahoe 18R2B2B2 Trust Schedule of Owners held at the Māori Land Court Offices or Māori Land Court Online.
2. Recipient Requirements
The recipient of the Education Grant can be either:
The applicant themselves, or
A beneficiary of the applicant
The recipient must be enrolled in one of the following:
A primary, intermediate or secondary school;
A tertiary provider or institution
A recipient of an Under-Graduate Tertiary Grant can only receive three grants, unless they are the shareholder. In other words, after a shareholder's recipient has had three successful grants that shareholder may apply for another recipient but not the person who has had three grants.
If a shareholder is both the applicant and recipient of an education grant, they can receive as many grants as accepted.
3. Whānau Trusts
Whānau Trusts are only eligible for one education grant per year. In other words, if a Whānau Trust has three trustees, only one trustee can apply for an education grant , not three.
4. Kaumātua and Education Grants
Only one grant can be awarded to a recorded shareholder per year. Either a:
Kaumātua Grant, or
An Education Grant (Tertiary or School, including Primary, Intermediate or Secondary).
If the shareholder is receiving a Kaumātua Grant, and is successful in receiving an education grant, the Kaumātua Grant would be paused for that year.
The next year if no education grant is received then the Kaumātua Grant will be reactivated and paid.
If the education grant is unsuccessful then the Kaumātua Grant will be paid as normal.
5. Grant Approval Process
Grants will be tabled and either accepted or rejected at a Trustee meeting.
The Trustee’s decision is final.
If further information is required, the applicant has until the end of April to provide the requested details.
6. Terms and Conditions
Grades must satisfy the Trustees that progress is being made in the course. i.e. At least a pass in half of papers taken.
All grants are taxed, and beneficiary should declare to IRD for a refund if required.
By submitting the application, the shareholder authorises the Trust to verify all details and retain information supplied for reference purposes.
If Administered or Trust shares, the majority of other people named as Trustees or Administrators must have been informed of and agree to this application.
All information requested on the grant application must be fully completed.
It is the recipient's responsibility to provide the Trust with current bank account and contact details. The Trust will not investigate incorrect details.
7. Key Dates
The closing date for grant applications is 31 March.
Grants will be paid in April or May.
Supporting Documents
Driver’s License, Birth Certificate, Passport, Community Services Card as identification of applicant. (Only if first time applicant)
Brief whakapapa to support your application (Only if first time applicant)
Driver’s License, Birth Certificate, Passport, Community Services Card as identification of applicant. (Only if first time recipient)
Tax Invoice confirming in what courses the recipient is enrolled
Certified copy of bank account details for electronic payment
Copy of Academic Record for previous year (only required if you studied at tertiary level last year)
IRD Details (Only if first time recipient)
Education Grant Amounts
Tertiary Grants Large (Over 25 shares)
Maximum $2,000.00
School Grants Secondary (Any shares)
Maximum $300.00
Tertiary Grants Small (Under 25 shares)
Maximum $500.00
School Grants Intermediate & Primary (Any shares)
Maximum $300.00
Apply Online
Before you start......
Do you have the correct information for the:
Grant Applicant (person filling out this form), and the
Grant Recipient (person to receive the grant)
Do you have electronic files for all supporting documentation?
If you are unsure, please check our Grants Application Form to see what information is required.
Please ensure you have the above information and documents ready. The system does not allow you to save your progress and continue later.
Education Grant Recipients
We wish all our recipients the best of luck with their studies. We welcome all to our Annual General Meetings. If you are a recipient and are interested in telling your story, please contact the Trust Administrator administrator@oromahoetrust.co.nz
Brooke Poutawera - Bachelor of Applied Science
Sarah Kebbell - Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business
Rebecca Clements - Hospitality Management
Troy Ramsay - Bachelor of Arts
Jemma Bush-King - Bachelor of Science and Oral Health
Katie Townhill - Bachelor of Nursing
Lucas Tane-Spalding - NZ Certificate in Automotive Engineering
Hemi McLeod - NZ Diploma in Software Development
Linda-Rae Davies - Diploma in Hospitality Management
Tekapua Jellick - Secondary
Romeo Samuels-Sollitt - Secondary