Oromahoe Farm is home to three established radiata pine stands, now in their second rotation, and over 100 hectares of thriving indigenous regenerative forest. Our forestry practices balance productivity with environmental kaitiakitanga, supporting the long-term health of our whenua.

Forestry plays a vital role in our land management strategy, balancing economic returns with environmental sustainability. We currently manage three pine forestry blocks totalling 24.5 hectares, which are approaching maturity.
In 2024-2025 we will embark on an exciting new initiative to evaluate the future potential of our forestry operations. This includes a comprehensive feasibility study that will review and update our management plans for both totara and pine forestry blocks. We will assess the economic viability and potential returns from the Emissions Trading Scheme.
This feasibility study is designed to consolidate and strengthen the data we have collected, enabling us to make informed decisions about the future of our forestry operations. By integrating these insights into our decision-making framework, we aim to maximise the economic returns from our land while balancing environmental and cultural responsibilities.
Looking forward, we are exploring initiatives, such as planting native species like tōtara, kauri, and pūriri on erosion-prone land. By integrating forestry with riparian management and carbon sequestration projects, we aim to enhance biodiversity and mitigate climate change impacts.