Beneficiaries/Shareholders of the Oromahoe Trust are individuals listed on the Māori Land Court ownership schedule, either in their own name or as trustees of a Whānau Trust. Being a shareholder is a connection to our ancestral whenua, representing kaitiakitanga and collective responsibility. Shareholders are entitled to vote on major decisions affecting the Trust and are eligible to apply for education and kaumātua grants.
Shares in the Trust cannot be sold but may be succeeded through the Māori Land Court, ensuring they remain within whānau. Those who whakapapa to shareholders are considered beneficiaries of the Trust. Beneficiaries will one day succeed the shares and carry forward the legacy as shareholders, continuing the stewardship of our whenua for future generations.
The Trust maintains a database of Shareholders and Beneficiaries to ensure access to entitlements and preserve records for the future. Keeping contact details up to date helps us stay connected and ensures shareholder and beneficiaries receive important information.
To register as a Shareholder or Beneficiary or to update your contact details, please complete our online Contact and Registration Form.